How to benchmark and compare your data.
Benchmarking data using the overall content effectiveness score in the ContentWRX dashboard or across the six dimensions of effectiveness allows you to get a more holistic view of your content's performance.
Once you benchmark, you can build on that with comparisons.
Comparing content performance data is a helpful way to understand how well your content is doing and where there might be room for improvement. A comparison can show how changes in content impact its performance. For example, compare goal completion results across areas of content that are updated with those that aren't. This comparison could quickly show how your new approach to content is making a difference.
Use customer feedback to close the gap in A/B testing.
If you have experience with A/B testing, you know that it's a great way to see which content is performing better. But oftentimes, you don't know why one element is performing better than another. That's where ContentWRX comes in.
ContentWRX helps you understand why A is performing better than B. With ContentWRX, you can tie feedback to user IDs and integrate that with A/B testing tools. Doing this allows you to bring in customer feedback around each option that you are testing. This way, you can get a complete picture of how your content is performing and what needs improvement.
Add context for insight to understand the “why” behind the behavior
Are your bounce rates a good or bad thing? How does incorrect content impact customer attitudes on your site? ContentWRX allows you to answer questions like these that you don’t typically get from web analytics alone.
Bounce rates can be deceiving. A high bounce rate doesn't necessarily mean that people are leaving your site because they're uninterested. It could mean they quickly find what they need and leave. It could also mean that they don’t find what they need and leave.
Here are three analyses that add context and give actionable insights:
Breakdown Analysis
If you want to see how effectiveness and engagement varies by different audiences, break down your content effectiveness data by device, demographic, and screen level.
Device: This section shows how your content performs on each device and helps you understand how users view content differently on those devices. ContentWRX shows a score based on the responses and analytics from visitors using each device.
This insight can help you determine problem areas on specific device sizes. You may have a high score on a desktop but a low score on mobile. This could be for a variety of reasons, such as the content doesn't display properly on mobile, the navigation is poor, or text is harder to read.
Demographic: This section shows how content effectiveness and engagement vary by custom segments. Are there audiences for whom the content is somewhat effective? Using this breakdown, you can analyze how content is perceived across each type of user. You may find that your content meets the needs of one group but not another.
Page/Screen: Let’s say you’re curious about the effectiveness of a specific page / screen. What exactly did customers click? What did they highlight or copy? What elements engaged customers the most? Get those answers and more from the page / screen breakdown.
Sentiment Analysis
Open-ended responses are another way to add context to your analysis. Look at your customer feedback to find potential issues or opportunities. Additionally, you can use sentiment analysis to determine whether users view your content as positive, negative, or neutral. This means that you don't have to go through each response manually and try to determine the sentiment yourself. Sentiment analysis can be a valuable tool for understanding attitudes about your content. It can help you identify areas where you might have some opportunities or challenges.
Microengagement analytics enable you to drill down into interactions with your content assets, identifying how your users scroll, pause, and click. Insights are available at section, page, component, and mobile app levels. Seeing user actions at this depth provides an additional layer of input around your content.
Find insightful correlations to help you achieve your goals.
ContentWRX makes it faster and easier to get the content effectiveness data that will accelerate finding meaningful correlations that have a business impact.
Whether you are trying to improve search visibility, increase key conversions, drive brand affinity, or grow revenue–the right correlation data will give you a path to understanding how content impacts these business outcomes.
Tying your content to the desired impact is essential for demonstrating its value to your organization. Fortunately, there are tools like ContentWRX that can help you assemble relevant quotes and data points to get executive attention and create positive change.